12 December | Congratulations to Ewan for defending his PhD thesis on “Structural and Electronic Manipulation of Fullerenes for Use in Molecular Electronics”, and many thanks to Prof Quanmin Guo (University of Birmingham) and Prof Manfred Buck for examining the thesis!![]() |
4 October | Our collaboration with iGii (Integrated Graphene Ltd) has just seen its first research output being accepted for publication in Applied Surface Science. We report on the optimization of iGii’s 3D graphene foam electrodes for medical diagnostics applications. Congratulations to Michael-John who is the driving force behind the joint research work. |
26 September | What a bumper year for our research group! Welcome to Rosalind, Owen, Angela, Lucy and Ethan! We’re looking forward to working with you. |
21 June | Congratulations to Miki for her oral contribution at the 37th European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-37)!!![]() |
6 February | Ewan and Renald having a great time working at the I09 beamline of the Diamond Light Source. What a fantastic opportunity to collaborate with Professor Philip Moriarty (Nottingham University) and Dr David Duncan (Nottingham University and DSL) ![]() |
14 June | What a brilliant Graduation Ceremony this year! Congratulations to Yi-Ying Sung, Simon Anetts, Lauren Cork, and Fraser Mealyou! Well done – we are so proud of you!!!![]() |
09 May | Both Renald and Claus Marquordt (CEO of Integrated Graphene) are interviewed by the East of Scotland KTP Centre of Innovate UK with the aim of publishing 2 Case Study videos. The purpose of these is to highlight their very successful KTP project to potential academic and industry KTP partnerships. The interviews can be found on YouTube here for Renald and here for Claus.![]() ![]() |
01 July | Paper published in ACS Nano on the first experimental realisation of hydrogenated graphene nanoribbons. |
10 June | Simon does it again!!! He successfully defended his title at the Chariots of Fire beach race on Sunday 5 June. He was literally a country mile ahead of the competition! Read here.![]() ![]() |
20 December | Our University has put together a blog post based on our funded research projects with our industrial partner Integrated Graphene to promote Impact at St Andrews. Read here. |
03 August | Our surface science community finally gets together after extended COVID restrictions to celebrate the birthday of Yi-Ying.
27 January | Our Innovate UK KTP project entitled “To investigate the physical and chemical properties of graphene to support the development of energy generation and storage systems” is awarded the highest grade of “Outstanding” by the KTP Grading Panel for its achievements in meeting the objectives of the Knowledge Transfer Partnership. |
14 January | Michael-John Treanor shares a compelling account of the benefits of working as a KTP Associate (Innovate UK) to bridge collaborative research between our group and our industrial partner Integrated Graphene. You can read his case study here. He is a fantastic advocate of KTP and I hope his story will inspire others to become KTP Associates. |
20 May | A big congratulations to Henry Chandler. He successfully defended his PhD thesis! |
21 April | Paper accepted for publication in the European Physical Journal D on the sublimation of Li@C60. |
04 Nov | A big congratulations to Kirsten Finley. She successfully defended her PhD thesis! |
04 Sept | The final speaker of the ECECR2019 meeting held in St Andrews was Michael-John Treanor. He spoke about the brilliant collaboration and knowledge transfer partnership between our research group and our industrial partners for the characterisation of graphene materials tailored for commercialisation.![]() |
26 June |
Paper accepted for publication in Physical Review B on a low-cost but accurate computational approach to anharmonic modes of adsorbates on surfaces. Very useful in support to HREELS and IRRAS measurements. |
18 June |
The editors at Nature Communications have chosen to feature our recent Li@C60 article as an Editors’ Highlight on Inorganic, Nanoscale and Physical Chemistry. See here. |
02 June |
Congratulations to Simon Anetts for winning the 5 km Chariots of Fire Beach Race 2019 in St Andrews (on the West Sands).![]() |
29 April | Paper published in Nature Communications on realising a 30 year old prediction: the experimental demonstration of a 14-state single molecule switch based on Li@C60. In collaboration with Prof Eleanor Campbell from the University of Edinburgh. |
18 April | A BIG congratulations to Henry Chandler for the “Best Oral Presentation” award at the ISSC-22 Interdisciplinary Surface Science Conference from the IOP at Swansea! Title of his talk: “Molecular maracas: Li@C60 as a multi-state molecular switch”. |
22 March | A new art work for molecular electronics, courtesy of Dr Rodrigo M. Ortiz de la Morena, Check out here for a larger scale!![]() |
01 January | Alex Allen and Renald Schaub become the 2018 University of St Andrews Fourball Golf Competition champions!![]() |
20 December | Paper published in Langmuir on the intermolecular interactions of carbon monoxide on a copper surface. |
06 December | Henry Chandler comes second runner up at this year’s School of Chemistry’s Final Year Postgraduate Symposium. He gave a great talk on the topic of “Molecular Maracas”.![]() ![]() |
18 October | Paper published in Nanoscale on Li@C60 molecules and their super atom molecular orbitals. In collaboration with Prof Eleanor Campbell from the University of Edinburgh, and Prof Françoise Remacle from the University of Liège. |
02 August | He does it again! Congratulations to Henry Chandler for winning the Best Poster Prize at the Summer School on nanoScience@Surfaces, Cavendish Laboratories, Cambridge.![]() ![]() |
01 June | Michael-John Treanor joins our research group as KTP associate on a project with RD-Graphene funded by UK Innovate. |
07 May | Paper published in JPCC on the adsorption of benzene on Rh(111). |
03 April | Paper accepted in Nano Letters on the final state control of a supported single-molecule switch. |
06 December | Congratulations to Henry Chandler for winning the Best Poster Prize at our School of Chemistry’s Final Year Postgraduate Symposium.![]() ![]() |
11 November | New Position Available: DEVELOPMENT SCIENTIST. Salary: £26,955 per annum, Start Date: February 2018, or as soon as possible thereafter, Fixed Term: 24 months. |
27 September | Simon Anetts and Yi-Ying Sung join our research group for PhD studies. |
31 August | A huge congratulations to Kirsten Finley and Peter Mann for their new-born baby girl!!!! |
23 May | Congratulations to Jose Antonio Garrido Torres. He successfully defended his PhD thesis! |
08 May | A huge congratulations to Grant Simpson (former phd student) for winning the Nanocar Race for the joint US-Austrian team! |
14 March | Paper accepted in Journal of Physical Chemistry C on the growth of graphene on a Rh(111) surface in collaboration with Ueli Heiz (DE) and Uzi Landman (USA). |
27 February | Congratulations to Michael-John Treanor. He successfully defended his PhD thesis! |
14 June | Congratulations to Jose Garrido Torres for winning the poster prize at the ScotCHEM 2016 meeting held University of Edinburgh. |
13 June | Our recent Nanoscale paper makes the headlines at the Elletra synchrotron facility. Read here. |
01 March | Paper accepted in Nanoscale on the adsorption of BTAH on a Au(111) surface. |
27 January | Henry Chandler joins our research group for PhD studies. |
22 April | Congratulations to Jose Garrido Torres for winning the poster prize at the Royal Society of Chemistry (Theoretical Chemistry Group) awarded at the Annual Graduate Student Meeting held at the University of Manchester. |
06 July | Paper accepted in Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. in collaboration with Holger Bettinger (Tubingen, Germany). |
January | Paper published in Langmuir in collaboration with Chris Baddeley (St Andrews). |
30 October | Congratulations to Catherine Bromley. She successfully defended her PhD thesis! |
29 September | Kirsten Finley joins the group for PhD studies. |
26 September | Congratulations to Grant Simpson. He successfully defended his PhD thesis! |
23 July | Paper published in ChemComm on a metal-bound TTF derivative. |
07 March | Paper published in Langmuir in collaboration with the group of Chris Baddeley. |
28 January | Paper published in Nano Letters on the discovery of novel molecular switches based on H-tautomerism. |
20 September | Jose Antonio Garrido Torres joins the group for PhD studies. |
25-28 March | Both Catherine Bromley and Grant Simpson give talks at the ISSC conference in Nottingham |
January | Renald is nominated Director of SCISS, the Scottish Centre for Interdisciplinary Surface Spectroscopy |
03 December | Paper published in Nano Research in collaboration with Neil Wilson and colleagues (Warwick). |
23 October | Renald sits on EPSRC’s 2012-2013 UK Materials Review Panel. |
27 September | Michael Treanor joins the group for PhD studies. |
28 February | Paper published in Physical Review B in collaboration with Graeme Ackland (Edinburgh). |
January | The International Journal of Nanotechnology publishes a Special Issue on Nanotechnology in Scotland, with guest editors: H. Idriss and R. Schaub. |
28 September | Michael Treanor joins the group for an undergraduate research project. |
24 May | We rank top 10 in most read Nano Letters for 1st quarter 2011! |
04 April | Paper published in Physical Review B in collaboration with Jamie Cole (Edinburgh). |
21 February | Paper published in Langmuir in collaboration with Manfred Buck (St Andrews). |
19 January | Paper published in Nano Letters on the nucleation and growth of epitaxial graphene. |
26 October | Congratulations to Bo Wang. He successfully defended his PhD thesis! |
01 October | The group’s first paper on epitaxial graphene is published in ACS Nano. |
31 September | Marco Caffio’s last working day with us. We’ll miss him. Good luck, Marco! |
30-31 August | Symposium on “Electron Spectroscopy and Microscopy of Complex Systems”, St Andrews. |
28 August | Catherine Bromley and Grant Simpson join the group for PhD studies. |
30 April | Bo Wang moves to Munich (TUM, Prof. Uli Heiz group) for postdoctoral work. |
4 March | First Physical Review Letters from the SCISS consortium is published! |