
The STM images, figures, and data shown below are extracted from our publications or related research output. Enjoy!

An artistic representation of what molecular electronics are about. Made for our research purposes by Dr Rodrigo M. Ortiz de la Morena,

Carbon monoxide adsorption on the CU(110) surface. Artwork by Rodrigo M. Ortiz de la Morena and Jose A. Garrido Torres, in support to this article.

Ethylene to graphene: Pathways to growth. Art work by Rodrigo M. Ortiz de la Morena and Jose A. Garrido Torres. Taken from this article.

Two-dimensional self-assembly of benzotriazole on an inert substrate. Taken from this article.

Inelastic electron excitations lead to the switching of a quinone derivative adsorbed on a copper surface. Taken from this article.

A high-resolution topographic image of a 7C6 carbidic cluster identified as the precursor to graphene growth on Rh(111). Taken from this article.

The atomic-scale structure of the iron-based FeSe0.42Te0.58 superconductor. Taken from this article.

Resolving and understanding the epitaxial relationship of a full graphene monolayer grown on a Rh(111) surface. Taken from this article.